The Greater Avenues Community Council is a volunteer community group and there are countless ways for you to get involved!

Through the formation of committees, the GACC is able to work on short and long-term projects that align with our objectives
- Provide a forum to discuss issues of mutual concern
- Establish working groups and committees to facilitate issue resolution
- Promote activities that enhance and enrich the community
- Make improvements to the community in order to protect the unique character of the Avenues
- Provide and expand communication links with governmental, civic and community organizations
- Provides benefit to the broader Avenues community with the use of GACC funds
- The Council may take actions or positions that impact the greater community and fall under the above objectives.
The GACC Chair, with the approval of the Board, may establish or dissolve committees of two types:
Standing Committees – These address general or long-term issues and exist until specifically dissolved.
Ad-hoc Committees – Formed to address fixed or short-term issues and are automatically dissolved on their one year anniversary unless specifically renewed by the Chair or Board.
The GACC also has volunteer representatives on various Salt Lake City advisory boards, civic committees or affiliated organizations as shown below.
2024 GACC Standing Committees (Names in Italic = Non GACC Board Member)
- Avenues Athletic League – Jill Van Langeveld Chair, Michael Hughes
- Avenues Grants – Peg Aldermen Chair, Joseph Murphy, Hilary Jacob, Michael Hughes, Gwen Springmeyer
- Bylaws and SOP’s – Joseph Murphy & Gwen Springmeyer Co-Chairs, Dianne Leonard, Michael Hughes
- Civic Engagement – David Berg Chair, Gwen Springmeyer, Steve Miller
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) – Carleton DeTar, Lori Galindo
- Finance – Ryan Kendrick Chair, Gwen Springmeyer, Phil Carrol, Michael Hughes
- Land Use/Housing – Jim Jenkin Chair, Chad Ariss, Robyn Christensen, Daniel Gaffin, Jim Jenkin, Merrilee Morgan, Michael Hughes, Jenni Thompson
- Memory Grove Clean-Up – Phil Carroll Chair, Brian Berkelbach, Kathryn Wright
- Memory Grove Foundation – Craig Ogan Chair, Phil Carroll, Michael Hughes
- Nominating Committee – Merrilee Morgan Chair
- Orange Crossing Flags – Jill Van Langeveld, Michael Hughes
- Popperton Plots Community Garden – Ed D’ellesandro Chair, Bronti DeRoché, Michael Hughes Treasurer,
- Salt Lake Avenues Community Choir – Peggy De Azevedo Chair, Chuck Clark, Kurt Cook, Gina Duncan, Rebecca Dutson, Michael Hughes
- Steering Committee – Jessica Dalrymple Chair This committee oversees three committees:
- Newsletter Committee
- Web Page Committee
- Social Media Committee – Mary Grayzel Chair, Brian Berkelbach, Robyn Christensen, Joseph Murphy
- Street Fair – Daniel Sowards Chair, Gwen Springmeyer, Hannah Laser, Heather Hubbard, Jeannie Perfili, Jennifer Gueldner, Jessica Dalrymple, Jill Van Langeveld, Jim Dalrymple, Karen Brittain, Kathryn Wright, Lois Harris, Lori Galindo, Meghan Horner, Michael Hughes, Paul Walton, Peg Alderman, Phil Carroll, Robyn Christensen, Sam Pannunzio, Scott Wilson, Shannon MacMillan
- Wildfire Preparedness – Shane Carlson
- GACC Representatives on City and Civic Boards
- SLC City Creek Water Treatment Plant – Kathryn Wright
- SLC Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forest, and Trails (PNUT) Board – Phil Carroll and Jenny Hewson
- SLC Transportation Advisory Board – Dave Alderman
- Friends of the Salt Lake City Cemetery – Dave Alderman Chair, Gwen Springmeyer, Jenny Hewson, Michael Hughes
- Salt Lake City Foothills Stakeholder – Gwen Springmeyer
- Salt Lake City Urban Forestry Subcommittee Liaison – Vacant
- GACC Ad Hoc Committees
None at this time
The GACC would like to thank all the above for their volunteer service in making the Avenues a better place to live!
Apply to be on a committee:
About the GACC
Avenues Master Plan
Board & Officers
Meeting Minutes
Avenues Choir
Street Fair
Avenues Blog
GACC Newsletter
Community Resources
Civic Engagement
Land Use
Get Involved
Avenues Historic Districts
Emergency Preparedness
Popperton Community Garden
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